Hall User Bulletin October 2024
It’s been a while since we last spoke. February of 2024 to be exact. This seemed like a good time to get in touch with all the Hall Users at Westwood Church as autumn activity gets into its stride…
Good News

So, a little time back we acquired a small washing machine which is located in the Boiler / Planet Room. To be honest you may have little or no reason to access that room but we want you to know the washing machine exists because if you use the church kitchen and have damp tea towels left over from your activities then place those damp towels in the washing machine before you head home. No, we are not asking you to do the laundry; we’ll look after that. Just leave the used tea towels inside the washing machine. Easy!!!
Keeping Everyone Safe
Sadly, the terrible events in Southport earlier this year has highlighted for Church of Scotland congregations the need to be aware of security at our buildings. Even though the Southport incident was not terror related the process around providing security and awareness are the same. The Minister, Health and Safety Coordinator, and some of Westwood’s trustees have undertaken Terror Awareness training through Protect UK and we are now in the process of conducting our Security Risk Assessment. In time we’ll arrange a meeting for key people from each organisation using our halls in order to improve our overall security arrangements. Remember, at any time, the halls may be in use by multiple groups so we have to be aware of each other’s security not just our own. We are aware that the risk of such an event is very small but the aftermath of an event where a malicious intruder gains access to the building does not bear thinking about.
If the organisation you belong to has offered any training or information regarding security for Terror Threats or malicious intruders please take the time to engage with that and highlight any changes that may make everyone’s situation better.
Fire Doors

Part of our weekly buildings check is to a make sure all our fire doors are operational. It’s good to know that if you need to exit the building in an emergency(not just a fire) that you can do so quickly and easily. But sometimes Fire Doors get used for other purposes like the one on our Duncanrig Hall which allows access to the grounds of the church and often enough to the wheelie bins. So, some additional use of that Fire Door is unavoidable. However, constant use of that Fire Door is causing unnecessary wear and tear on the push bar mechanism. So, if you can, please think about taking any bin bags out by the hall door and round into the lane to the bins and not via the Fire Door.
Prevention is Better than Cure

It’s not a pretty sight is it. And if you were close enough not a pretty smell either! Once again the sewers at the church overflowed into the grounds which sometimes are used by children’s organisations as a play area. Not Good. The Drainage firm which unblocked the sewers advised us that kitchen roll and baby wipes were amongst the debris blocking our drains. So please…. no kitchen roll or baby wipes down the toilets. If it’s anything other than toilet paper this is the result. In some facilities there are sanitary bins, in all facilities there is a waste paper bucket for wipes etc.

If you happen to be an organisation that uses the Sanctuary for meetings rather than the halls it is then very likely that you have an afternoon meeting that overlaps time-wise with the Out of School Care; and this makes access to toilet facilities after 3pm something that needs consideration. We need to maintain a safe place for children and adults so we ask you to remind all your members and attendees that after 3pm there is access only to the toilet facility in the Vestry (sanctuary side of the swing fire doors) and the disabled toilet facility. Please do not use the Ladies or Gents toilets as these are reserved for use by the children. No, we don’t think that you and your organisations members are anything but decent people. At the same time please don’t put yourself in a position where a child might mis-interpret your presence or actions.
Forecourt Parking

Most likely we consider ourselves fortunate to have parking spaces in the forecourt of the church. The streets of E.K. are nightmare for parking so being able to park close the church doors on wet winter’s evenings is a God send. All but two of the spaces however, are intended for those with disability. Please be mindful of this; indeed be mindful of others who might need that space more than you do.
That’s All Folks!

And that I think is it for now. I hope it hasn’t come across as all negative cause it’s not. 99% of the time the halls run amazingly well So, A BIG Thank You from us to you! There is always that 1% opportunity for improvement so if you want to raise something with us, or just point out an issue with something that needs repaired or replaced do get in touch. Just send an email to [email protected]