Westwood Church https://www.westwood-church.org.uk A Gathering of People Expressing Faith in Jesus Christ Wed, 24 Apr 2024 10:41:17 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/cropped-webicon2-2-32x32.jpg Westwood Church https://www.westwood-church.org.uk 32 32 Mrs Shirley Douglas https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/04/24/mrs-shirley-douglas/ Wed, 24 Apr 2024 10:40:39 +0000 https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/?p=8887 It is with sadness that we learn of the passing of Mrs Shirley Douglas.  Shirley passed away in Stonehouse Hospital on Friday 12 April aged 82 years.  A service for Shirley takes place at South Lanarkshire Crematorium on Tuesday 7th May at 2pm.  We keep her husband Bill and family in our prayers.

Sunday 21 April 2024 https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/04/21/sunday-21-april-2024/ https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/04/21/sunday-21-april-2024/#comments Sun, 21 Apr 2024 09:30:00 +0000 https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/?p=8866

Fourth Sunday of Easter


We know not everyone who is part of Westwood Church is able to be in church on Sunday morning however, we thought it would be good to offer some excerpts from the Sunday morning service. Where we can, we offer parts of the service in text and audio, whichever works best for you. If you want to plug in headphones to your computer, tablet or mobile phone now is a good time to do it ! If you want to offer some comment or feedback just use the comment box at the end of this post.


Mark 1: 14 – 20

Acts 6: 1 – 7

Praise – Lord you have come to the seashore


Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you that you meet us day by day, just as you met your disciples in the days following your resurrection.

We thank you that your victory of good over evil, love over hate and life over death continues to make such a difference to our lives just as it did to theirs, bringing new beginnings when it seems like the end, new hope where there seems only despair.  

For turning weakness into strength, fear into confidence and doubt into faith, receive our praise and continue to work that miracle in our lives and in our world today, making all things new to the Glory of your name.

Lord Jesus, we thank you that you shared our humanity, experiencing not just the good but also the bad.  You understand what it means to be hurt, to endure suffering, to face even death itself.

As well as our joys you have shared our sorrows.  Living God, we thank you for the assurance this gives us: that whatever we face you will be with us in it.  Teach us to live each day in the light of that truth, and so to live always as your Easter people.

We understand, we acknowledge that you have offered us your everything.  We cannot ask more of you, there is no more you can give.  And as we make our offering to you, we may feel it is merely a token in comparison.  Lord Jesus, we rejoice in the knowledge that you see beyond the token, to see that which comes from the heart, offered in love and service, that which is worshipful and given in humility.  However simple the offering, you see the loving heart and rejoice for the giver not just the gift.

Hear us as we join in the words of the Lord’s Prayer saying…

Our Father who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name.  Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever.  Amen.


Acts chapter 6 opens to us with another vague timeline… ‘some time later, as the number of disciples kept growing’.

Luke as he writes the Book of Acts has already introduced us to life among the believers.  Luke speaks of the close fellowship, sharing their meals together, selling of property and possessions, distributing funds, meeting for prayer and of course the preaching of the Good News.  We are certainly given a picture of something attractive, wonderful, caring, an almost idyllic sense of community.  These lasting images remain with us and still inform and influence what we think Christian Community and Fellowship, Christian Church has the potential to be.

Of course, if it was ever truly like that in the early church then it didn’t stay that way for long.  Some time later a quarrel broke out between Greek-speaking Jews and native Jews when the Greek-speaking Jews felt their widows were being neglected in the distribution of funds.  It could be that they were simply overrun by demand as the numbers steadily increased, or maybe there was some inbuilt prejudice against Greek-speaking Jews who had come from the synagogues established after the exile.  In other words, there were Jews who had returned from exile to rebuild Jerusalem and re-establish a pure blood-line, and there were those who had not.  Sure, hundreds of years of history had gone by but people don’t forget, attitudes creep in to society.

The picture emerges of a growing fellowship of believers that was not quite as harmonious as we might imagine; cracks were appearing along old and familiar lines of heritage and blood-line and history.

In a move reminiscent of Moses in the desert, when Moses was worn out by the demands of the people, a group of elders or leaders is appointed to share the burden.  It’s funny isn’t it, even when something is new and original and creative, we will inevitably fall back on that which is established and familiar as a way to solve the problems.  So, appointing seven men full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom to share the burden was agreeable to everyone.  The seven men seem to be a fairly mixed bunch including Nicolaus the Gentile who had been converted to Judaism.  It looks like they tried to have all sections of the community represented.

The point I’m trying to get to is this… had it not been for the division that grew up, they might not have given Stephen such a prominent position; Stephen who is singled out for being full of faith and the Holy Spirit, like he stands head and shoulders above the other six helpers.  Stephen who ignores boundaries and protocol, who acts like he is one of the Apostles performing great miracles and wonders, Stephen who is himself a catalyst for division and tension within the group of believers.  Every solution creates a problem; I think that is exactly where thy find themselves.  Stephen becomes the focus for the ongoing tensions between Greek-speaking Jews and native Jews.  We are then, launched into a chain of events which are both painful and necessary.

Had it not been for Stephen’s boldness he would not have been tried before the High Priests.  Had Stephen’s trial and stoning not taken place, Saul would not have persecuted the early Christian Church.  Had Saul not persecuted the church he may not have been converted to the Christian faith and we would not have half of the writings that make up the New Testament.  Had Saul’s persecution of the early believer’s not taken place they would not have dispersed.  Persecution did not end the early church; persecution caused it to spread and grow.

It is impossible to know what God’s plan for the future might be.  Only with hindsight do we see where God has been at work linking events together in extraordinary ways.  Not all things are things that we would welcome or want, it’s not all harmonious, good and pleasant; but this we can say, “in all things God works for the good for those who love Him.”

Praise – All you come and follow

Prayers for Others

God of heaven, and God of all the earth, we marvel that You should lend your ear to the prayers we offer; and even more so that You respond to our prayers in your greater wisdom and purpose.

In all things, we pray: Your will be done; Your Kingdom come. Help us, Lord, to be faithful in prayer, day by day, that we might be ever mindful of the harsh realities being faced by so many.  And as we pray, soften our hearts that, filled with Your Spirit, we might exhibit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  

Lord and Head of the Church, today we pray for the Church and especially for our Presbytery which in the coming days will again discuss and seek to discern your will for the future.  We pray that You might allow your church to be equipped for whatever it faces, that the ministry of all believers will enhance the life of Your Church and share the Good News across our communities.

Hear us then, as we pray for those across our nation who, right now, are listening for Your call and entering into the Ministries of the Church as Worship Leaders, Readers, the Diaconate or Ordained Local Ministers or Ministers of Word and Sacrament…

Let us pray for the families of those who are called to ministry who will face significant changes in lifestyle and expectations, who will also face times of challenge, unhappiness and real joy.  We pray for those who have come from different countries and backgrounds and are in the process of familiarisation; and experienced ministers who will mentor candidates for ministry in their placements and through probation. We think on National staff and Presbytery representatives, who support and guide candidates through the journey to ministry…

We pray for those who have completed their preparation and are presently serving as Assistant Ministers, waiting for opportunities to open up, that they might receive their first call.  And we pray for those with many years of service and experience to fall back on and yet feel apprehensive and uncertain in the face of unprecedented change in the life of the Church….

And we pray for the ministry of all believers, the gifts of grace and faith which you our God has blessed each and every one of us with.  For the gift of speech that allows us to tell of the Good News, to speak words of hope and love and forgiveness to friend and stranger and enemy alike…

Might we all together serve You faithfully as You work through us to establish Your Kingdom. These and all our prayers, we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Praise – To God be the Glory

The Grace

And now… May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you and all whom you love, now and for evermore. AMEN.

https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/04/21/sunday-21-april-2024/feed/ 1
Sunday 14 April 2024 https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/04/14/sunday-14-april-2024/ https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/04/14/sunday-14-april-2024/#comments Sun, 14 Apr 2024 09:30:00 +0000 https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/?p=8841

Third Sunday of Easter


We know not everyone who is part of Westwood Church is able to be in church on Sunday morning however, we thought it would be good to offer some excerpts from the Sunday morning service. Where we can, we offer parts of the service in text and audio, whichever works best for you. If you want to plug in headphones to your computer, tablet or mobile phone now is a good time to do it ! If you want to offer some comment or feedback just use the comment box at the end of this post.


Acts 3: 1 – 20

Praise – Peter and John


Loving God, how thankful we are that You hear us when we call to You.

When troubles come, You give us strength.

When our distress seems never-ending, You are our quiet our frantic minds and bring stillness to our soul.

When injustice rages, You offer Your peace.

When nights seem endless, You still our frightened hearts.

When we feel weak and lame, You raise us up to new life in You.

You put gladness in our hearts, You give us a hope and a future.

Loving God, our sight is limited; we cannot always make sense of Your purposes.

But that doesn’t mean You aren’t at work.  The way may be hidden, the path may appear dark, but sometimes when You seem far off You are at Your most near.

Teach us, we pray, never to despair, however bleak it may seem.

When injustice seems all around and peace far off, help us to hear Your words of promise.

Forgive us when our journey is not humble, or faithful, or just.

Forgive us when we do not take heed of Your words.

Forgive us when we do not notice Your presence.

Forgive us when we don’t recognise You working in our midst,

Forgive us when we fail to give glory to Your name.

Come into our weakness and fill us with Your renewing power.

Even if we were like Peter and John, and had no silver or gold to offer, we can still bring our willing hearts, our voices lifted in praise, our willingness to speak of your love and bring Glory to your name.  Glad as we are to offer our gifts, You Lord can do so much more through us as we offer ourselves into your service.  Receive then all that we place before you.

Hear us as we join in the words of the Lord’s Prayer saying…

Our Father who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name.  Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever.  Amen.


One day…  Yes, the timeline in the book of Acts can be a little vague on occasion.  Maybe what day or month this happened on doesn’t matter a great deal.  The fact that it happened is what matters.

In the aftermath of Pentecost, the community of believers is growing rapidly.  Thousands in one day might be added to their number.  Just how they coped with the administration of that is beyond me.  Well, I suppose the reality is that they didn’t cope with it.  In that place where believers sold their land and possession so that everyone could be supported according to their need a point arrived where division grew up.  Those from a Gentile background felt their widows and orphans were being neglected in the daily distribution of funds.  Sudden and substantial growth in any community is hard to prepare for; it is in one way exciting and wonderful and in another way demanding and stressful.  It takes on a life and direction of its own, it can’t really be controlled.

None of this caused the Apostles to stop their preaching, teaching or performing miracles.  In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were emboldened by it.  The message they preached was sinking home with people.  People were changed; the Apostles were changed people.

We know from the Gospels that Peter was an impetus, unpredictable man.  I think he had a genuine desire to be like Jesus but was not blessed with the same calm confident character that Jesus comes across as being.  Famously, we know of Peter’s doubting and sinking below the waves when Jesus walked on water, we know of Peter’s denying Jesus three times when Jesus was arrested; Peter was a frightened nervous man.  We know how the disciples gathered behind locked doors fearful of the authorities, fearful for their lives.  But the Peter we see now in the Book of Acts is not just inspired by the Risen Christ, not just a bit more confident, he was totally transformed, almost unrecognisable.

The healing of the lame man at the Beautiful Gate is in itself a wonderful event.  It is the kind of miracle of healing that we could easily attribute to Jesus. A miracle that comes with the same authority, mystery, impressiveness of any of Jesus miracles.  Peter and John are keen and careful to deflect any adoration away from themselves and on to Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  I reckon for the lame man who was healed, his ability to walk and jump and run restored, this was pretty much the best day of his life.

For Peter and John however, the miracle was secondary to the preaching.  The lame man walking and jumping and praising God was the sermon illustration to end all sermon illustrations.  The beggar who used to sit at the Beautiful Gate, who was recognised by everyone there served to arouse curiosity, arouse interest in what Peter and John were about to say or do.  At three in the afternoon as people gathered for prayer Peter, John and one lame beggar absolutely stole the show.  We might think that Peter and John were simply being mindful of their religious duties to be at prayer, maybe in fact, their plan was to capitalise on a busy Temple courtyard, upset the apple cart so to speak.  They deliberately went to the Temple at three in the afternoon because there would be an audience to hear the preaching and witness the miracles that are part of the Kingdom of God.

Like I say, Peter is a transformed man.  He knows exactly what he wants to say, he has a message to communicate and he does so without fear or favour.  He doesn’t even try to win people over with kind words or flattery or cheap promises. ‘This miracle was done in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth the one whom you rejected and handed over to Pilate.  He was holy and good and you rejected him and this was due to your ignorance.’

Peter just told the truth, the plain, straightforward cold hard truth that is the foundation of the Christian faith.  You can accept it, you can reject it, but the message does not alter.  And even though Peter and John were arrested for preaching, their message clearly regarded as subversive; another two thousand were added to their number.

Praise – The Head that once was crowned

Prayers for Others

All-loving God, we bring our broken, unjust and warring world to You today.

Our hearts are heavy but our desire remains strong for the world we live in to be a better place.  We long to see people flourishing wherever they may be, free from harm, free from violence, free from fear.

We pray for all those who are in positions of power, our duly elected leaders, dictators and oppressors; we pray for the impossible that they find common ground, a united way forward, a desire to establish peace that does not rely on military threat, or greed, but on mutual respect and the acknowledgement that all people are equal.  May the wellbeing of all be their goal.

We pray for those who strive to have their voices heard; those who stand on picket lines, those who are silenced and diminished by the burden of debt they carry, those who are fragile and gentle spirits who seem not to matter yet they are your children too Father, they matter to you.  We pray for those who call out for justice too often silenced by corruption, lies and secrets.

We pray for all who endure physical, emotional or sexual abuse. Behind closed doors in the privacy of the home, in institutions and organisations where attitudes and behaviours go unchecked.  We pray for women who live in fear of violence in their own homes, for children who experience abuse instead of love,

for young people who live in fear of violence on the streets.

In the sometimes overwhelming darkness of this world, we thank You for all those who use their knowledge and power for good.  For those who stand up and speak truth to power. Those who live as light in the darkness, those who risk their own lives to help others in distress, those who gently, quietly lift the fallen, heal the broken hearted and mend the shattered spirit. 

For this is Your vision Lord, of what our world should be, strengthen that vision even within us that we may infect the world with your love and hope and grace.

Lord, in Your mercy hear our prayers…

Lord Jesus, may our prayers be your prayers and your prayers be ours; one in heart and mind and spirit as followers of the way that is Christ.  AMEN.

Praise – How Deep the Father’s love

The Grace

And now… May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you and all whom you love, now and for evermore. AMEN.

https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/04/14/sunday-14-april-2024/feed/ 1
One Voice Newsletter April 2024 https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/04/09/one-voice-newsletter-april-2024/ https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/04/09/one-voice-newsletter-april-2024/#respond Tue, 09 Apr 2024 07:30:51 +0000 https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/?p=8838 Westwood Community One Voice Newsletter 8 Apr 24

Hello (Again) Community Member 

One Voice are keen to keep you updated with further actions and information to date with regards to the Ward 7 Community Facility Review dated Sep 23: 

  • Due to the Community Council now no longer existing the One Voice Sub Group cannot function 
  • Former One Voice Group members do remain to work for the community with regards to the review and its out comes
  • The SLC Budget meeting occurred on Feb 24 
  • The SLC Budget has potential funding to support Community Asset Transfers (CAT)
  • There is early indication of interested parties to support a CAT Light for Westwood Hall, more volunteers required.  
  • Due to the structural concerns of Red Deer Centre, it will close (Apr 24 expected)
  • There is time and facilities available at Westwood Hall to support the Red Deer Groups 
  • Red Deer Bowling Club are meeting with SLC as they have different Terms and Conditions 
  • Social Work are meeting with Red Deer Groups on Wednesday to inform with regards to other facilities to use 

At the Westwood Community Council AGM in March 2024 vacant posts were not able to be filled (Treasurer and Secretary). This resulted in the Westwood Community Council agreeing that they would be unable to continue with their duties at this time and informed SLC accordingly. A request to potentially create a joint Hairmyres and Westwood Community Council was raised but this requires legislation change and is currently not an option, however, SLC are reviewing current boundaries so this may be an option in the future.  

The former One Voice Sub Group although no longer representing the Community Council, still continues to function and meet with stakeholders to develop a response to The Facility Review to support the Community interest. 

Following the SLC Budget in Feb 24 there was a confirmed reduction to the Leisure and Culture funding which has resulted in the proposed closure of a number of facilities across SLC which included Westwood Hall. The date identified for closure is 1 May 2024, however, there is potential funding from SLC to support a Community Asset Transfer (CAT) for a period of approx. 12 months (full details of this are yet to be understood). There are already 3 groups and a number of individuals who have expressed an interest in being involved in the CAT process. More volunteers are required to realise this. An expression of interest was submitted to the SLC CAT Officer. A CAT Light lease application document has been received but not yet submitted. A further meeting is required to discuss (Wed 10 Apr).

The Social Work Dept. is closing Red Deer Centre due to structural and safety concerns and are meeting with user groups with regards to identifying alternative accommodation. Groups are encouraged to apply to utilise Westwood Hall as hopefully this will become a Community Centre of the future. 

Dunedin Park Pavilion.

A  Sports Club still remain interested in undertaking a Community Asset Transfer. They are having ongoing discussions with Mr Iain Mulholland, SLC Community Asset Transfer Officer, to progress this option. 

A proposed meeting date is the 6 May at 1900hrs to discuss this further and allow any community member to ask questions about the CAT Light and what is being proposed. Venue TBC.

https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/04/09/one-voice-newsletter-april-2024/feed/ 0
Sunday 7 April 2024 https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/04/07/sunday-7-april-2024/ https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/04/07/sunday-7-april-2024/#comments Sun, 07 Apr 2024 09:30:00 +0000 https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/?p=8799

Second Sunday of Easter


We know not everyone who is part of Westwood Church is able to be in church on Sunday morning however, we thought it would be good to offer some excerpts from the Sunday morning service. Where we can, we offer parts of the service in text and audio, whichever works best for you. If you want to plug in headphones to your computer, tablet or mobile phone now is a good time to do it ! If you want to offer some comment or feedback just use the comment box at the end of this post.


John 20: 19 – 31

Acts 4: 32 – 35

Praise – Now the green blade


In your presence Lord Jesus, let us gather with hearts united, held together in the bonds of faith and by spirit of unity.  The early believers were of one heart and mind, sharing all they had, creating a community built on love.

As we enter this sacred space, let us embrace the spirit of generosity and love,  just as the early Christians did in Jerusalem. May our worship be a reflection of this fellowship and unity – where no one claimed private ownership, but all things were held in common.

In this sacred moment, let us open our hearts to the movement of the Holy Spirit,

who changes us, little by little, in the image of Christ, and holds us together in love.  We come, not as individuals alone, but as a community, where the needs of one are met by the abundance of another.

Gracious and merciful God, we come before You with humble  hearts, acknowledging the doubts that linger within us and the moments when our faith wavers. In the stillness of your house, we confess our shortcomings and seek Your forgiveness.

Like the disciples in the locked room, we sometimes find ourselves paralysed by fear – fear of the unknown, fear of inadequacy, and fear of the challenges that lie ahead.  We confess that there are times when we demand tangible evidence, seeking assurance in what we can see and touch rather than trusting in the unseen reality of Your love and grace.

Lord, forgive us for the times we have struggled to fully trust in Your resurrection power.  Forgive us for the moments when we’ve allowed doubt

to overshadow the profound truth of Your victory over death.

Let us worship in unity, offering our hearts, minds, bodies, souls, and possessions, knowing that in our shared devotion we encounter the presence of the risen Christ. May our offering be a testimony to the boundless hope, joy, grace and faith that unites us.  One body, one family, gathered in love.

Hear us as we join in the words of the Lord’s Prayer saying…

Our Father who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name.  Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever.  Amen.


The Believers share their possessions.

Like every parent I taught my kids that they had to learn how to share; sharing is an important part of being in society, being human, living alongside our neighbours and, if the kids could learn how to share it might stop the awful bickering and squabbling that totally does your head in !!!

There is not one of us here who does not understand the importance of sharing, so when we read, in Acts Chp 4, of the believers sharing their possessions, we immediately and inevitably feel this is a good thing, a positive thing, the right thing for them to do.  What we read in Chp 4 is almost a repeat of what we read at the close of Chp 2 – the believers sharing their belongings, selling their property and possessions to distribute the funds according to the needs of each person.

This deepening sense of fellowship the believers are enjoying seems to have developed remarkably quickly.  This insight we have of being in Christian community comes in the aftermath of Pentecost – that’s just seven weeks on from Easter and the Resurrection events.  That said, some of the time line between Pentecost and the passage in Chp 4, which Mark read for us today can be a little vague.

The believers have been meeting in the Temple, they worship together in the Temple and eat together in each other’s homes.  They enjoyed the goodwill of all the people.  I’m assuming there was something very attractive about the nature of their fellowship and care for each other as each day the Lord added to their number.  Being part of this fellowship meant that you were going to be cared for and supported.  And I suppose that the other side of that coin is that the selling of property and possessions was a clear sign of commitment to a message and a cause.  So, Joseph, known as Barnabas, is highlighted for his generosity and commitment selling a field he owned, while Ananias and Sapphira are highlighted for their dishonesty and failing in their commitment.

We often, very often, emphasise that Jesus exercised his ministry to the poor and outcast of society – people who have nothing.  Yet, in these early days of the Christian faith it is not the poor who are the focus.  People who have property and land to sell are people who are relatively well off, the middle classes and upper classes of society.  It was no accident that Peter preached in the Temple because that was the place where they could focus on those who had the financial means to sustain the life of this new and growing Christian community.  I am in no way doubting that the Apostles absolutely believed the message of the Good News but they were also shrewd enough to have a plan, or the common sense to know, that they needed people with the means through which to continue Christ’s ministry. The community of faith that grew up after the resurrection, because of the resurrection, had to find a way of shaping itself and surviving and it did that in the best way it knew how.  Indeed, it was not unfamiliar to them.

Jesus was an itinerant preacher, he travelled from town to town, village to village with his group of disciples.  Judas Iscariot was in charge of the communal purse.  Jesus and his disciples fed and sustained themselves on the donations they received from those they had helped and from the women, some of whom were wealthy merchants in their own right, who believed in Jesus message.  Would Jesus have been able to carry out his ministry at all had it not been for those of means who supported him and his disciples?

In a time, as we are now in, where the Church of Scotland (and other churches) is aware that we need to find the means and model and pattern for sustaining its Christian ministry we naturally return to the roots of the Christian faith which we read of in the scriptures.  And I think when we do that something becomes apparent.

It is very clear in the New Testament, before and after the Resurrection, that those of means who sold their possessions, their homes or land did so, so that the Gospel of Good News could be preached and the presence of the living God experienced through miracles and wonders and healings. The Gospel was the only thing that mattered.

And this then is the tough question.  When we do our fundraising or put our offering in the plate or let the bank take care of our standing order, what is it that you think you are supporting? Is it the preaching of the Good News and an experience of the Living God, or are we just keeping our doors open? Is the focus on us or on the work of the Gospel?

Praise – Longing for light

Prayers for Others

Gaza Aid Convoy – World Central Kitchen

Just when we think things can’t get any worse – they do. Seven aid workers die in an Israeli attack on a World Central Kitchen convoy taking aid to starving Palestinians.  What Israel describes as a grave mistake is described by the WCK founder as a targeted attack.  And the outcome is that shipment of aid is suspended. Palestinians continue to starve; punished for simply being Palestinians.  Of course, we remember the millions in Gaza who are at the mercy of Israel forces and Israeli decisions but we also remember the families of grieving aid workers who have lost their lives – experienced aid workers, experienced in the military who know the protocols, who know the importance of communication, who didn’t get this wrong.  Aid workers who were doing the right thing in the right way at the right time in the right place and yet…

Lord hear us in our prayers for grieving families, for starving Palestinians, for Israeli Forces and leadership and the increasingly questionable decisions being made.  Hear our prayers…

Taiwan – earthquake

From man-made humanitarian disaster to natural disaster – we remember those who strive to make sense of their situation in the aftermath of a significant earthquake in Taiwan.  Hundreds have been trapped under the rubble of collapsed buildings; some have lost their lives.  It is in these most challenging of times that community is so important, the desire to see another person’s need and offer what we have, to care and listen, to love and offer compassion and build a place from which life can start over again.  We pray Lord that communities local, national and international may find it within themselves to support and sustain those in greatest need.  Lord hear our prayers…

Scotland – Assisted Dying Bill

Father in Heaven, who gave us the gift of life, who has shown us that death is the gateway to a new life, we face once again the question that we never seem to be able to answer; the right to end one’s own life.  We can see that unnecessary suffering may be spared, we can see the dangers it opens up to those who are vulnerable, and we can see how challenging it is to get the balance right – and we won’t always get it right because life is complicated and the decisions are complex.  When we don’t know the right way to go, we look to you for guidance.  Where do love and compassion, pain and suffering meet and how do we resolve the dichotomy they create for us?  Lord hear us in our prayers…

Praise – How often we like Thomas

The Grace

And now… May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you and all whom you love, now and for evermore. AMEN.

https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/04/07/sunday-7-april-2024/feed/ 1
Presbytery Planning https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/04/02/presbytery-planning/ https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/04/02/presbytery-planning/#respond Tue, 02 Apr 2024 07:39:07 +0000 https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/?p=8793 After a relatively quiet few months on the planning front Presbytery have now released their Final Draft which will be discussed at Presbytery meeting on 27th April.

If you wish to view or download the plan you can access the file in PDF format below

Westwood and Greenhills are in section W10 – West and Cross area.

https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/04/02/presbytery-planning/feed/ 0
Just One Thing… https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/03/11/just-one-thing/ https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/03/11/just-one-thing/#respond Mon, 11 Mar 2024 09:17:15 +0000 https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/?p=7380

Now we all know times are challenging. We hear about it on the news; how people everywhere are struggling to make ends meet even if they are in employment.

Westwood Church has always been a big supporter of East Kilbride charity Loaves and Fishes. We do what we can to help but after a visit from Lesley Davidson Chair person at Loaves and Fishes we were left in no doubt that we could do more and should do more. The level of need in East Kilbride is frightening.

Just One Thing is our way of helping. To put it simply we are asking every member of the congregation to bring in just one item for Loaves and Fishes each week. One packet of biscuits OR one tin OR one item of toiletries OR one pack of disposable nappies OR … well you’ve got the gist. One item each week from the congregation would put 90 items on the Loaves and Fishes table. AND one item wont stretch our individual budgets so much as to be unmanageable. Like the old Scottish saying “mony a meikle makes a muckle.”

Westwood Parish Church is open Sunday mornings 9.30am to 12noon and Wednesday 10am to 2pm so if you feel you would like to help others in this very simple way you too can pass on Just One Thing each week. Drop into the church during those opening times and leave your gift – Just One Thing. Or if you know someone who attends Westwood Church you would be welcome to pass that One Thing on through them.

And if you want to know why Loaves and Fishes are finding it so hard to keep up these days then it’s like this… demand for their service has gone from 30 food parcels per week to 160+ per week; more than quadrupled. The need is there and the need is real.

Pick Just One Thing from the items below: 

Any tinned fruitNoodles (both Pot and packet)Jam
Tins of CustardMug ShotsFrey Bentos Pies
Tins of Rice PuddingPasta ‘n’ SauceJars of Sauce
Tinned VegetablesMicrowave RicePassata
Tinned PotatoesBags of RiceLong Life Milk
Chopped TomatoesTinned MealsDiluting Juice
SpaghettiCup a SoupsSugar
MeatballsCerealStock Cubes
TunaCrisps / SweetsTea / Coffee
Tinned MeatDisposable Baby NappiesSalt
Bleach (Spray or Bottle) Cleaning ProductsToiletries (Ladies & Gents)
Shaving productsShampooShower Gels / Hand Soap
https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/03/11/just-one-thing/feed/ 0
Working Group https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/02/27/working-group/ https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/02/27/working-group/#respond Tue, 27 Feb 2024 15:28:19 +0000 https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/?p=8655 A small delegation form Greenhills and Westwood met for the first time on the evening of Tuesday 20th February. We had each gathered some thoughts together but had not set ourselves an agenda as such. After some introductions we enjoyed a broad ranging conversation which sometimes went off at a tangent and then returned to the matter in hand. Everything was good humoured, helpful and open minded – just how you’d want it to be. We want our future union to be the best of both, the best of Westwood and Greenhills.

It was good to meet Carol, Helen, Donald, Ella, Chris and Lynn from Greenhills and I’m sure they felt the same about meeting up with Elspeth, Janet, June and Rev Kev!

Here’s a few pointers toward our first steps:

  • Sharing intimations and notices
  • Coming together in celebration of the Lord’s Supper
  • We’ll work on overcoming transport issues
  • Holy Week services will provide an opportunity for members of both congregations to be together
  • Sharing and supporting each other in resources like hall space and hall rental.

As always you can leave comments, thoughts and suggestions below.

https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/02/27/working-group/feed/ 0
Hall User Bulletin Feb 2024 https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/02/06/hall-user-bulletin-feb-2024/ https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/02/06/hall-user-bulletin-feb-2024/#respond Tue, 06 Feb 2024 08:50:17 +0000 https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/?p=8570 Hello!! 

It’s been a while since we last spoke. June of ’22 to be exact. Maybe there’s just been no news to share cause everything’s running sweetly. And it is!

So, why now? Well there’s Good News and Bad News. Will we start with the Good News? 


Good News

is that Westwood Church has been able to appoint a new Property Convener, Mr Robert Porterfield. Robert has quite a task on his hands catching up on the last four years during which we have not had a Property Convener. Yet, since his appointment to the role in December of last year he’s really got stuck into things. As a Hall User this is Good News for you. If you see things that need attention, things that have been broken, or got broken by you (accidentally of course) then report it on the [email protected] email address. We do actually have someone who will receive your email. Brilliant!!!

The not Good but not Terrible either News

is that we have not been able to do some of the works and upgrades in our halls that we might have hoped to do. And this time, (dodging the bullet) it’s not our fault. The Presbytery, of which Westwood Church is a part, has not yet agreed it’s future plan and so we cannot spend more that £3,000pa on building works and this is intended for keeping the building wind and weather tight it’s not for all the little extra’s we’d like to do. Our hands are tied just now but it will get better. Oh! and we do know about the water coming in under the Fire Exit door of the Duncanrig Hall. This has been an ongoing problem which we thought we had got on top of, but obviously not. If you are using the Duncanrig Hall be aware that there might be a puddle at the Fire Exit door. The floor can get slippy when wet. Until we find a remedy you are best advised to make it safe as possible (mop and bucket stuff) and place a warning sign of a wet floor.

The Bad News

When keys were issued to organisations to let themselves in and out of the Church Halls (usually in the evenings) we created a form on the church website (tick list sort of thing) that verified that the building was left clean, tidy and secure. It’s a tedious thing to use the form every time you lock up the halls but it has worked great. Since the autumn of last year we’ve noticed a real drop off in use of the online form and now the issues are creeping back in. In the early part of this month the Fire Exit Door in the Duncanrig Hall was left open overnight. Apart from the obvious security risk which that created it has to be said that in the weather we’ve been having wind or rain damage to the hall and its contents could have been a real possibility. Those responsible for leaving the door open would inevitably be charged for loss or damage. Please, please, pretty please, do the checks when you are leaving the building. Find one of those posters with the QR code, scan, go to the link and complete the form it will guide you round all the things you need to check before you leave the building. Complete the form as you are closing up, not afterwards from your comfy armchair at home (we can tell if you’ve done that!) Even if you haven’t opened the Fire Exit Door (presumably to put the bins out or doing your own fire evacuation drill) do check that it’s closed before you leave. If you were last to use the hall it’s all too easy to point the finger of blame at your organisation if something goes wrong!

It’s not all negativity

No it’s not all negativity. Since issuing keys to organisation things have run pretty well. We notice that everyone is respectful of the halls and don’t abuse facilities, vandalise them or tamper with fire extinguishers and all that sort of stuff. So, A BIG Thank You from us to you!

https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/02/06/hall-user-bulletin-feb-2024/feed/ 0
Go and Do Likewise https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/01/18/go-and-do-likewise/ https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/01/18/go-and-do-likewise/#comments Thu, 18 Jan 2024 09:00:00 +0000 https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/?p=8468 Go and do likewise is the title of this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The week of prayer begins on Thursday 18th January and ends of 25th January.

Prayers and other materials published by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) have been prepared by contributors in Burkina Faso, West Africa.

If you wish to participate in this season of prayer you can view it below, download the pamphlet from the “download” button or view it in a new tab by clicking the link.

https://www.westwood-church.org.uk/2024/01/18/go-and-do-likewise/feed/ 1