Prayer Time
Meeting on Wednesday afternoons from 1.30pm until about 2.30pm the church is open for anyone who wants to spend some time in prayer. Prayers are guided during the first 15 minutes and then there is quietness for your own thoughts and prayers. Prayer Time also incorporates The First Wednesday service which is provided for those who find Sunday mornings or mornings in general to be a difficult time. We always take time over afternooon teas to catch up with each other.
We are always willing to pray for others.
Even if you can’t be with us in person you can share in the prayers by using the words of the prayer that follows:
Lord Jesus Christ fill me with your peace in these moments of prayer so I may know what it is to be one with you. Feed my heart and spirit upon the goodness of the scriptures and through my prayers may your word become part of my daily living. Be near to me at all times and in all places so that I can learn to be your witness to the world around me.
Lord Jesus I place myself into your care. Lord I seek your forgiveness for I am human and my thoughts, words and actions have not always brought Glory to you. In your holy presence I am aware of my faults and failings, of the times when I have let myself down, let others down and let you down. Restore me now in your grace and mercy that I might live out this day under the guidance of your hand.
Lord hear my prayers as quietly now I give myself to you telling you of my joys and my sorrows…
Lord Jesus hear my prayers for those who are precious to me. I remember my family and my friends, my neighbours, and those who are my colleagues at work. I pray for those who follow your ways faithfully and for those who have fallen away from faith. Lord I pray for those who are ill, those seeking shelter from the storms of life and those who need comfort in their bereavement. Lord hear my prayers as quietly I come to you to pray for others…
Lord Jesus I pray for the needs of the world. I think on those who need the basic things of life – food, water and shelter, medicine for their ills and education for their futures. I pray for those who lives are torn apart by war and violence. I pray for those who work for peace; Lord they are your children. Bless them. I pray for the leaders of nations that they should strive for peace and justice and prosperity for the peoples that they govern. Lord hear my prayers for the needs of the world…
And now Lord I pray in the words of the prayer you taught your disciples;
Our Father who art in Heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever. AMEN.