Monthly Building Check Monthly Building Check Monthly Building Checks Lighting & Alarm Check carried out by * Liz PorterfieldMark WilliamsKevin MackenzieRobert Porterfield Confirm Date of Lighting Test * Description of Lighting Test Lighting Location Duncanrig Hall (loc 1) * Passed Test FAILED Test Corridor at Ladies (loc 2) * Passed Test FAILED Test Corridor at Fire Swing Door (loc 3) * Passed Test FAILED Test Canberra Hall (loc 4) * Passed Test FAILED Test Belmont Hall (loc 5) * Passed Test FAILED Test Corridor at Office (loc 6) * Passed Test FAILED Test Hall of Fellowship (loc 7) * Passed Test FAILED Test Sanctuary doors / organ side (loc 8) * Passed Test FAILED Test Sanctuary Chancel Fire Door (loc 9) * Passed Test FAILED Test Sanctuary Rear Fire Door (loc10) * Passed Test FAILED Test Report Faults at any lighting location * Report faults at any location If you are human, leave this field blank. Next