Hall User Bulletin June ’22
It would not be a surprise if at this juncture you are looking forward to the summer break and the close of activities for your organisation. Girls’ Brigade held their Prize Giving on Tuesday 17 May marking an end to their season and one of th eBrownie Pack has also now stopped for the summer. Some of you of course, will continue across the summer months but in a different format. We hope you’ve had a good year and that hall accomodation has worked all right for you. We know it’s not perfect so thank you for your ongoing patience.

The time has come for a big clear out of junk. We are going to be clearing out old stuff from the church basement (affectionately known as the dunny) and the church loft needs attention too. On Friday 17 June we’ll be moving junk to the Hall of Fellowship for it to be collected and disposed of on Saturday 18 June by way of a timed skip hire. If your organisation wants to dispose of junk please leave it in the Hall of Fellowship on Friday 17 June. You will be able to access the church outwith School Club hours i.e. access between 9am & 2pm then again from 7pm onwards. Most of you have keys to access the church. And if you want to help heave it into a skip on the Saturday we’ll be glad of all the help we can get. It is, as you know, very therapeutic hurling junk into a skip! Look up the calendar event for up to date details and if you want to contact the organiser Janet McKay to offer help or just to let her know when you’re clearing out your cupboards.
Clearing the dunny and loft will improve the overall Fire Safety in the church and on a more day to day level allow the remaining surplus chairs (originally from the sanctuary) to be stored away and stackable seating to be brought back into the Belmont hall, at least for the time being. It is possible that over the summer months the Belmont hall will be kitted out as a quiet room. More on that in the future if it comes to pass.
A system of interlinked smoke alarms will be installed across the church in the coming weeks. The installation is simple and will not disturb any activities within the halls. The end result will be a greater degree of safety for everyone using the church no matter which part of the building they might be in.
Agreement has been reached to acquire a new mopping system for the vinyl flooring used in the church halls. The upshot of that is that those who use the halls at an early time like 6.30pm should have fewer issues around flooring still being wet when they come in. A small change that should have a better outcome for all.
For some time now the digital projector in the Duncanrig hall has not been working. TG Baker of Clydebank who installed the system will be effecting repairs to the projector and to the loud speaker system in the hall and sanctuary which has deteriorated with age and use. This maintenance comes a little late for this session but come the autumn you’ll have the advantage of more functional facilities.
We are looking into freshening up other small items around the halls which in themselves do not affect the use of the halls but do help improve the environment.
So in closing let me thank you for looking after the hall space, leaving it clean and tidy when you go. It is only very occasionaly that any issues arises where an organisation completes the online Hall Users Form but has not acutally checked toilets or swept up etc. As a result these rare occasions stand out all the more. Please be diligent. Again the occasions where we have had to charge an organisation for cleaning are few and far between. We’d rather not have to go down that road. The online form still asks for surfaces to be disinfected and there may be other items that relate to Covid which will be removed soon.
Do let us know your start back dates so that those who have been issued contracts can get new ones put in place. Enjoy the summer !!!!
Thank you for above info
Wednesday Brownies as you know finished 1st June
We cleared out our unwanted “stuff” from our cupboard on 25th May so we are fine re clearing any rubbish
We would again take this opportunity to thank you for use of Hall as yet we have no start back date but will let you know asa we arrange this
Have a safe summer
Hi all,
thanks for the update, thats the brownies/ guides and rangers from thursday night finished up for the session too.
we will probably need to get into the church at some point for some equipment for camp
have a great summer