Girl’s Brigade PrizeGiving
Our 4th EK Girls’ Brigade Company celebrate the end of their season with a Prize Giving service held within the Sanctuary. A warm welcome is extended to congregation and parents […]
Our 4th EK Girls’ Brigade Company celebrate the end of their season with a Prize Giving service held within the Sanctuary. A warm welcome is extended to congregation and parents […]
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) is joining with churches and faith-based organisations across Britain and Ireland to invite Christians to join together in an act of witness to […]
Red Deer Bowling Club and Westwood Church thrash it out on the green at Red Deer Bowling Club. This annual competition is just for the fun and is open to […]
Community group, Friends of Dunedin Park, will be holding their AGM within the church halls. Anyone with an interest in the use and development of Dunedin Park, or simply to […]
We are glad to offer this prayer for the people of Ukraine. Commenting has been left on so that you can offer your own prayers too… Living God, joyfully we […]
18th B Guide pack meets in the church halls
The 30th East Kilbride Brownies group meet in the church’s Duncanrig hall from 6.30pm
The 18th a Brownies group meet in the church’s Duncanrig hall from 6.30pm
The 2nd Westwood Rainbows group meets in the church’s Duncnrig hall on Monday evenings from 6.30pm.
Yoga with Diane is open to men and women and will cater for those who can do floor mat exercise and seated / chair exercise. Yoga is wholistic in its […]