One for the ladies!
The most recent of our organisations to make a come back is the Ladies’ Fellowship.
As the name suggests it has always orientated itself toward activities and interests most associated with ladies (as opposed to men’s interests!) As yet, a sylllabus of events and speakers has not been arranged so maybe now is a good time to be part of it and help influence a programme that you would like to be part of.
The first meeting is an informal one on the evening of Monday 8th November 2021 at 7.30pm within the sanctuary of Westwood Parish Church. Tea, coffee cake and natter wil be the order of the evening.
As we want to keep everyone safe those attending Ladies’ Fellowship will be asked to enter the church by the front doors at the Hall of Fellowship and go straight into the sanctuary. Other than that you likely know the routine – face coverings, hand sanitiser and Test and Protect details. Yip!!! It’s a sign of the times!