
Recent Posts

  • Sunday 02 June 2024

    Scripture 2 Corinthians 4: 1 – 12 Mark 3: 1 – 6 Praise – It only takes a spark Prayers Great and wonderful God, you have blessed us so much […]

  • Anyone for Tennis?

    No, it’s not Wimbledon time yet. Nor are we doing Centre Court Grand Slams! Red Deer Table Tennis Club have re-located to Westwood Parish Church while still meeting on a […]

  • Dish Pan Hands

    Under the umbrella of “Just One Thing“, our ongoing initiative to support Loaves and Fishes, we need your help in a very specific way. For hands that do dishes need […]

  • Presbytery Planning

    After a relatively quiet few months on the planning front Presbytery have now released their Final Draft which will be discussed at Presbytery meeting on 27th April. If you wish […]

  • Just One Thing…

    Now we all know times are challenging. We hear about it on the news; how people everywhere are struggling to make ends meet even if they are in employment. Westwood […]

  • Working Group

    A small delegation form Greenhills and Westwood met for the first time on the evening of Tuesday 20th February. We had each gathered some thoughts together but had not set […]

  • Hall User Bulletin Feb 2024

    Hello!!  It’s been a while since we last spoke. June of ’22 to be exact. Maybe there’s just been no news to share cause everything’s running sweetly. And it is! So, why now? Well […]